Sunday, August 18, 2019

How We Find Meaning in Life Through Love Essay -- Essays Papers

How We Find Meaning in Life Through Love Life’s offerings such as: interests, talents, jobs, religion, or relationships are the catalysts through which we put meaning into our lives. When we find someone or something that we love or feel passionate about that puts meaning into life. It makes people feel as though they are fulfilling a want or desire, which would also lead to feeling very accomplished and happy. Finding a passion gives life a purpose. Jay Earley said it best when he wrote, â€Å"I define life purpose as a contribution to the world that uses your whole self fully and gives your life passion, fulfillment, and meaning through dedication to something larger than yourself† (Early 6). We are able to feel that we are here for a reason. Everyone needs something in their life that they strive for or love to execute. If we weren’t to look for these passions then there would be no purpose in living. We don’t want to go through life not caring about anything and having nothing that br ings great joy to our life. Not having a passion would put a void in one’s life and a feeling of emptiness. There are many ways to achieve this love or to find a passion. Many people obtain their purpose in life by seeing their interests or talents and pursuing them. Other people find meaning through their job. Many people turn to religion, primarily I would say that people find meaning in life through relationships. Finding love or fulfilling a passion in an interest or talent is an easy thing to do. Lots of people are able to find meaning through their interests. Collecting coins, stamps, comic books, porcelain dolls, magazine articles, spoons ect. are interests that some love to pursue. The spoons, or other collections, are a ... ...ave some one else’s company and having them to talk to makes life easier. Close friends that are with a people through everything give them a purpose in life. Whether people have a hobby, a talent, a job, religion, or if they have a close relationship with another person there is something that they are passionate about or love to do. It could even be finding a support structure or finding something that helps you escape from reality. Finding a passion or interest in life fulfills your purpose. There is a meaning in life and something that contains value for each person. Others might not understand what you think brings meaning to your life, while you might not understand how they find meaning in their life. That is why you have to know what you love hold that close and make it important in life, and this will help you with a more pleasant enjoyable life.

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